Day 10 January 2011 about 3 months ago did the entry as AutoBlogging Software where I shared through video proof of the software to the domain made on the Blogger platform works. There you showed how to add content automatically using this software. At that time was only a test and still did not have the certainty of its true operation.
Here I show you the result of this test, you can see how actually if this software works and as if it is possible that you get traffic to your blog via Google and traditional media such as social networks.
In the first video I show through statistics the increase in traffic in the conducted by blogger and another
WordPress blog comparing the two platforms to see which is the most effective.
In the second video I show you how it is that I took advantage of this traffic in each of the blogs to make money through Google Adsense advertising program.
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At that time was only a test and still did not have the certainty of its true operation.